Cake & Barbecue  (19 Jan 2008)

On January 19, 2008, Beth gave a baking lesson to our neighbor's daughter, Da-Hyun.  Da-Hyun and one of her classmates came to our house and Beth taught them to bake a chocolate cake from scratch.  Korean people do not eat very many baked goods so this was a new experience for the kids.  The two little girls who made the cake decided on the frosting color of pink and the strawberries as an additional decoration.

Afterward, Da-Hyun's mom and dad, along with two families they are friends with, all took us out to a traditional Korean restaurant where we ate a wonderful barbecue.  One of the very neat things about Korean meals, aside from the South Beach style vegetable and meat courses, is that each meal includes numerous side dished and condiments which add a lot of variety and tastiness to eating.

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