Not that kind of modeling!
I mean the "a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically made on a smaller scale" type of modelling. Oh; I guess that does make Barbie a model... Anyway, here is where I will make project specifications available as downoadable PDF documents or as readable documents. Choose from the list below (or go to for "that kind" of modeling):
- 2-D ionic compound models
- Atom Model 2008 (Chem 1)
- Build electric projects (Toledo 2002)
- Catapults & Trebuchets (Toledo 2007)
- Catapults & Trebuchets (Toledo 2006)
- Catapults & Trebuchets (Toledo 2001)
- Cell Model 2007 (Bio 1)
- Hair Dryer Lifter (Toledo 2002)
- Mousetrap Cars (Toledo 2002)
- Rube Goldberg machines (Toledo 2004)